Brainbox US-257 USB to Serial 2xRS232
Scan code: LN32081
Manufacturer code: US-257
£87.49Item currently awaiting an ETA
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Brainbox US-257 USB to Serial 2xRS232
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Item currently awaiting an ETA
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Product Overview
USB to Serial providing two RrS232 serial ports. Up to 921,600 data transfer rates and the 128 byte transmit and 384 byte receive FIFOS, coupled with 1Mbit line drivers deliver uncompromising performance on your laptop/PC.
USB to serial is the quick low cost way to connect your computer to a serial comms enabled device. Boost software gives industry leading functionality and compatibility.
These products do away with traditional issues with USB technology so you can buy with confidence! Features • 2 port RS232.
• USB interface.
• 128 byte Tx and 384 Byte Rx FIFOs.
• Up to 921,600 baud.
USB to serial is the quick low cost way to connect your computer to a serial comms enabled device. Boost software gives industry leading functionality and compatibility.
These products do away with traditional issues with USB technology so you can buy with confidence! Features • 2 port RS232.
• USB interface.
• 128 byte Tx and 384 Byte Rx FIFOs.
• Up to 921,600 baud.