
25+ Note Keyboard Controllers

Designed to let you control your Softsynths and samplers on the go, these units are perfect for anyone wanting to work whilst travelling, or where space is limited, or where the artist simply doesn't need any more than 25 notes. These units typically include an Octave up and down switch enabling you to reach the higher or lower notes that would be present on a full size keyboard.

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49+ Note Keyboard Controllers

These Keyboards are great where space is at a premium or if you want to work on the move. Although not as many notes as a full size keyboard, many units typically have an Octave Up/Down feature to allow you to access the extra notes, and many have an array of knobs, switches and sliders allowing you to control your Softsynths and Samplers with ease.


61+ Note Keyboard Controllers

Any keyboard at 61 plus notes is referred to as a 'full size' keyboard, as 5 octaves is deemed to be 'playable' by a regular Piano player ( i.e. both hands playing at once ) Many of these keyboards feature Knobs, Sliders and Switches which enable you to control your Softsynths and Samplers. 88 note keyboards are the biggest of the full size keyboards and the keybed can be weighted in deifferent ways to emulate the feel of a real piano. Some 88 note controllers have Fully Weighted or Hammer Action keys, which are very similar to the feeling of a real piano keybed.


Control Pedals & Footswitches

Control pedals and footswitches allow another method of controlling your instruments in realtime, allowing a more expressive performance.


MIDI Controllers / Grid Instruments

Control surfaces come in many size and shapes with smaller units offering basic playback control functionality and in the other extreme the larger units will replicate a complete mixing desk. Having a physical and tactile controller will allow quick and easy control over your software package of choice helping to improve your workflow in the studio.


MIDI Interfaces

MIDI interfaces convert USB to MIDI signals using a 5 pin DIN type connector. Use these to connect non-USB synthesizers, keyboards and devices to your computer.


Sequencer/ DAW Controllers

These controllers are designed to give tactile, hands-on control over DAW sequencer software.
