Korg Nu Tekt - OD-S NuTube Overdrive Kit
Korg Nu Tekt - OD-S NuTube Overdrive Kit / build your own overdrive DIY pedal
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Korg Nu Tekt - OD-S
DIY Overdrive Kit

NUTUBE Equipped DIY Overdrive PedalEver wanted to build your own tube-powered overdrive pedal? Now you can!
Building your own guitar pedal is an attractive prospect to many, but it can also be a daunting task. Fortunately, thanks to the Nutekt OD-S Overdrive kit, you can experience the thrill of building and customising your own overdrive pedal, without any prior DIY experience or any soldering required!
Furthermore, the OD-S is packing a powerful, fully analogue triode vacuum tube to deliver a warm sound, dripping in rich harmonic content that will bring sheer delight to all guitarists.
Build your own Overdrive Pedal!

with no prior DIY experience
Inexperienced in DIY? Fear not! The OD-S requires no soldering whatsoever, so even the most DIY-shy of us can get a piece of this warm, analogue tube-driven overdrive in no time at all.
Nutube is a revolutionary, 100% analogue vacuum tube developed by Korg alongside Noritake Itron Corporation. In the same manner as a traditional vacuum tube, Nutube is comprised of an anode, grid and filament, and operates as a complete triode tube, effectively generating the response and the same harmonic rich characteristics of traditional vacuum tubes in a more compact, reliable and energy-efficient way.
Maximum Customisation

tweak your overdrive how you like it
The OD-S features dual gain controls. In addition to adjusting the input level to the vacuum tube, the anode load of the vacuum tube circuit can be adjusted using the tube gain. This means you can adjust the sound from the vacuum tube to your liking with fantastic precision.
The OD-S also features a switch that allows the user to select from 2 different and unique overdrive types, each with different low/high ranges, along with a true-bypass which makes the OD-S a superb application in the live setting.
For users who may be feeling a little more adventurous, the OD-S’s modification-friendly layout means you can swap out components to create your own individually unique overdrive to match your desired tone and performance. The possibilities here are quite literally endless!