Hexakill Mode: The Composition


With the arrival of Hexakill mode, summoners now have to juggle around six players on this large map. With many possibilities of where this sixth player can go opens up new opportunities to conquer the opponent and to win the game. Here, I will talk about a few compositions that could lead your team to victory.

Hexakill Duo


Duo Top + Marksman

Without putting too much pressure onto the Jungler to be the only tank, the team can make a replica of the bot lane. In the recent meta tanky supports have become popular with champions such as Leona and Thresh becoming the most picked. With the new gold income items, especially the Relic Shield, it can be extremely beneficial for Tanks that need gold to be tanky sooner rather than later when alongside someone else in the lane. This still gains a window for champions such as Renekton, Shen and Trundle to still make an appearance in the top lane alongside Marksmans. This could also bring an appearance from other champions that aren’t in the current meta such as, Nautilus, Amumu, Udyr and Sejuani into the top lane alongside our marksmans.

Therefore, this brings back the appearance of the double AD’s without dismissing the burst of the AP Mid. In the LCS Splits of 2013 we saw repeated sightings of two AD champions, one burst AD Carry like Ezreal and one long ranged champion such as Caitlyn or Varus. This can happen again with many champions such as Jinx, Lucian, Ezreal, Vayne and Caitlyn. Having an AD Carry and Tank in the Top Lane will gain more awareness from the enemy team, especially in team fights having another Damage Dealing champion.

Double Jungle

Something that has appeared a few times in the Garena ProLeague is the Double Jungle Team Composition. This composition consisted of a Top Laner, Mid laner and a solo Bot laner with two players in the Jungle. With the release of Hexakill Mode teams that do want to play the Double Jungle composition can now do the normal Top, Jungle, Mid, Double Bot with the sixth player going into the Jungle. With this composition teams can continue to run their AD Carry and Support bot lane without having the fear of being pushed out by the enemy bot lane as a solo laner. Similar to the Double Top lane with two AD Carries, the double jungle can also have something similar. In comparison, the double AD has one burst and one long range, whereas the Junglers can have a Jungler with a lot of burst to take down enemies quickly such as Elise and then have another Jungler who are tanky like Volibear, Jarvan IV, Shyvana and Zac. There are many options for the Junglers, going utility and tank, two damage dealers, two tanks and so on, making the champions choices for this team composition incredibly flexible and fits everyone's preferred play styles.

Hexakill Duo

In my opinion, the Double Jungle team composition will the composition that has the most popularity. Having two Junglers will make the enemy spend more of their gold on warding to keep track of where the two junglers are. Having two Junglers in the Jungle will also prevent the enemy from doing any counter jungling by stealing buffs or regular camps and will prompt the double jungle team to do more counter jungling pushing the enemy jungler behind in level and gold making them weaker in ganks and team fights. Another advantage this double jungle team composition has is the ability to gank multiple lanes at once and do three man tower pushes without giving the enemy the ability to do the same in return. Although the Junglers only gain half the experience and gold in the jungle, clearing the jungle faster gives them the ability to gank lanes more often and hold more confidence if eager to take down an early dragon.

Overall, there are many Compositions that can be used in the Hexakill game mode granting many opportunities to players to be different, adventurous and ambitious with how they play the game opening up the creativity of everyone. There is no doubt this new gaming mode will be exciting to play and will no doubt be popular. Similar to the Magma Chambers, it will be exciting to see if Riot Games decide to incorporate this adventurous map into future Professional Tournaments. Maybe Hexakill Mode gets included into future All-Stars tournaments? What if the Hexakill game mode gets added to Ranked play?


Katie Jones