Hearthstone: The most underrated of the overrated cards

It has now been over two months since Goblins vs Gnomes, the first expansion to Hearthstone has been released. When the content was announced, the community immediately began to pick apart every card, and there was a general consensus for certain cards being strong, and for certain cards being weak. In this process people imagined how cards would affect current decks //www.scan.co.uk/info/guide/hearthstone-gvgmeta, or what new decks could possibly be created. However, once the cards actually came out and people started tinkering with them, most of the cards that were considered powerful before the actual cards were available, suddenly became largely ignored. Likewise, cards that were ignored or written off as bad before the expansion were experimented with, and discovered to be very strong in some cases.

Due to these multiple constant switchings of opinions, and certain cards making the forefront of GvG, (mainly Dr. Boom, Piloted Shredder, and Mechwarper), a lot of the cards that were once supposed to be broken suddenly stopped being so, when in all reality they’re still quite good. So here’s the list of the most underrated of the overrated.


Troggzor was the most hyped of all GvG legendary cards coming into the expansion, so I doubt too many are surprised to see it here. Thanks to our good friend Dr. Balanced, the 7 drop neutral legendary minion slot has been filled, and there isn’t room for Troggzor there. It isn’t really reasonable to ask if Dr. Boom is overhyped or anything, because that card is absolutely much too strong. However, what should be asked is if Dr. Boom has to be the only 7 drop minion, which in a lot of decks it is. Is there room for Troggzor and Dr. Boom in a deck? Truth be told, 7 mana minions are one of the rarest minion costs, so its not like theres a huge stammering of other minions that Troggzor would be replaced with.
However, he still doesn’t see play. So let’s look why. First off, Troggzor has no immediate impact on your board other than subpar stats for his mana cost. Therefore, if you’re putting Troggzor onto a board where he can be outright killed just from the minions already on the board, you lose a lot of tempo and its a loss of momentum. In addition, many considered it as a spiritual successor of Loatheb, making your opponent not able to play spells. Really though, the difference with Troggzor is that they still can play the spells, theyre just disincentivized to. So while playing Loatheb against a Druid at 9 mana will stop the combo in its tracks and can win you a game, against Troggzor you’re still screwed. Regardless of all this, once Dr. Boom is finally nerfed, we may indeed start seeing Troggzor due to how strong of a minion he can be, and while it may not be an autoinclude like Dr. Boom currently is, it will be a strong tech card.


This card was supposed to be the ultimate aggro deck card. Was your aggro paladin deck to reliant on divine favor? Add Jeeves. Your face hunter ran out of steam early on? Jeeves had your back. Don’t want to continuously tap with Zoolock? Jeeves will get that for you. This was going to be the card that would make more aggro decks viable, and naturally that made a lot of people very angry. Regardless, Jeeves hasn’t been effective in his role. Although in the first few weeks of GvG he was implemented into many decks from Zoolock, to Mech Mage, to all sorts of Hunter decks, he hasn’t seen any permanent role in any meta decks.
However, this card is still very strong, especially in early game centered midrange decks, or even in most mech decks that aren’t mage, due to it being able to get buffed by other mechs. In addition, it’s only drawback is that it can give your opponent cards, but since they have to wait for the end of their turn to gain them, it's a definite drawback. In addition, if you’re up against a control deck, most likely they’ll never have less than three cards, so they gain no benefit from it.


Its hard to explain Unstable Portal. Of all the RNG outcomes in the game, adding this card to your deck really brings a new meaning to RNG, this is by far the card with the most outcomes in the game. So what was the deal with it? According to a few certain big Hearthstone personalities, Unstable Portal would give you a very good chance of just outright winning the game. Well, needless to say that never happened, or we would probably be seeing this card a lot more. As it stands though, other than in your “40 spells” Mage deck and decks played for fun at high ranks, there hasn’t been a large amount of Unstable Portal usage.

However, this card is still rather powerful. Basically any minion that is 3 mana or over becomes high value due to the effect, and if you don’t have early drops in your hand, a turn 2 Unstable portal into a free minion is usually decent value, or you can develop your hand with a more powerful minion. This card really is not bad, its just not consistent for pro play, where most people get their decks from. This card is very powerful for the ladder where grinding is important, and should be seeing more play than it currently does.


Jason Mulchay