Never played a fighting game before?

Never played a fighting game before? Want to start playing or get involved in the infamous FGC well read on!

This might be the question that some of you might be asking yourselves, but do not worry I am here to guide you through the different types of fighting games available. As well as give you some details on where to find the best information to get started in this genre of games.

Fighting Game Basics:

Fighting games are very fast paced 1 on 1 competitive games. A best of 3 can range anywhere from 1 minute to around 10 depending on the players and the type of fighting game you are playing. Like any other competitive game you must practice and commit to the game you are playing in order to succeed. Now you may be asking "which fighting game should I play?" well below you will find a quick rundown of the current most played fighting games today in the competitive world.

Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition ver 2012 (Capcom)

Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition ver 2012 (Capcom)

This is currently the biggest fighting game on the market and one of the easiest ones to play. Street Fighter 4, which was released back in 2009, brought the competitive fighting game scene back from the dead and put fighting games on the map as a competitive genre.

The biggest reason for its success was the fact the game appealed to the masses. It was easy for new players to jump in and understand how a fighting game worked while still appealing to the more hardcore, veteran players with a extensive combo system and competitive like feel.

Over the last few years the game has gone through 3 updates that added new characters and balance tweaks to the title while still keeping the core mechanics in place. This game is still the headline title at all large scale fighting game tournaments.

Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition ver 2012 (Capcom) In game

Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 (Marvel & Capcom)

Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 (Marvel & Capcom)

After 10 long years since the release of Marvel Vs Capcom 2, one of the most hyped and most played fighting games in the US, Marvel vs Capcom 3 was released. The game would reignite the series with new graphics, new combo system, a bunch of new characters and the veteran roster. The game brought a huge following to tournaments and the game was one of the most hyped and anticipated at EVO 2011 (biggest Fighting game tournament in the world). But no longer than a year of the game being out Capcom released a number of balance changes, new moves for characters and a host of new characters.

Out of the current competitive fighting games UMVC3 is one of the more challenging to get to grips with. It requires the player to choose 3 characters from the roster and fight 3v3 with the opponent by fighting with a character on point and having 2 characters in the assist slots. The player can then tag back and forth between their characters, which really allows the player to be creative and discover some crazy team dynamics.

This game is by far the fastest growing fighting game in the competitive scene today and is shaping up to be the game of choice for fighting game players.

Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 (Marvel & Capcom) In game


Now there are many more fighting games out there and I could go on and on about each one but I am going to leave you with these 2 as I don't want to cram your minds too much. These are 2 fighting games that are a good starting point for anybody trying to play fighting games competitively as they have a strong scene around them and there are loads of people on forums that are willing to help the scene grow. Come back next time where I cover some of the more underrated fighting games and give you some more juicy information on the world of Fighting games.

Thank you for reading for more basic knowledge of this genre there are plenty of sites out there like Shoryuken, Neo Empire and of course right here on the Scan Pro Gaming tab.


Joshua 'Lumpy' Grimes