intel nuc computer

Return on Investment

Our systems deliver premium performance and productivity with the latest Intel processors and Microsoft Windows.

Designed for premium performance with the latest Intel® processors

Upgrade your business with a Scan 3XS office system. Our systems deliver premium performance and productivity with the latest Intel processors and Microsoft Windows.


Power Efficiency

Noisy equipment reduces productivity, so the 3XS Mini PC is made using special low-energy processors and memory. As a result the 3XS Mini PC draws substantially less power than a traditional office PC, slashing your power bill every month.

Power Usage
Traditional Office PC

standard desktop pc

Power Usage
3XS Systems Mini PC

3xs mini pc

Increased Productivity

Scan business PCs support up to three monitors, as research from companies such as Microsoft have shown that adding more monitors to your PC can increase productivity by as much as 50%.

3 screen desktop

Another study by the University of Utah showed that adding a second monitor boosts productivity by 18% when working with text and by 25% when working with spreadsheets.

Productivity is increased because you can view more than one document or application at a time, allowing you to compare products and data more easily and giving you better insights into trends. You also save time when copying and pasting data from one file to another - a big help for programmers, technical writers and web developers.